>> Friday, April 24, 2009

Well, as many of you know our time here is the city of lights is quickly coming to an end. We have been packing up what has been our lives for the last 7 months and are preparing to move on with the next chapter of our lives... We always knew that this day would come and we are approaching our good-byes with a mixture of happiness and sadness. We've had a hell of a good time here and the people and memories we've made are absolutely irreplaceable. We wanted to send a big ole thank-you to all of you who have shared our journey with us, it has been our pleasure to hopefully entertain you for the last few months! We heart you all and we will see many of you again in the very near future.

But, not to worry we still have a few days of fun left here and we are headed to London before we come back to the homeland, so we'll have some shenanigans for you all.

Here's some pics from Nat Masters last day of work, one word.... RIDICULOUS!

Emma, Ricardo, and the lady of the evening

Fin, working her magic behind the bar

Bobby B and I dancing it out!


Aww, Laura and Nat looking cute


More ridiculousness

More mustaches... it's kind of our thing!

Alvar and Jules, those crazy boys!

Aw Bobby B, Whitneys going to miss you!

Oh Eva, so dramatic

Thought I would add a couple more of my favorites:

My fav Parisian tree by Ile St. Louis

The old girl at night... gorgeous!



>> Monday, April 20, 2009

BBonjour ladies and gents! I thought I would send a few more pictures of Italy your way... When we last left off we had just enjoyed a lovely night in Tuscany. After spending a relaxing night we decided to get onto the autostrada and make a beeline toward Naples and the Amalfi Coast. After a few hours of craziness at 130 km/h and a few wrong turns, we set our sights on Sorrento.

Naples and Mt. Vesuvius over yonder


The Sorrento coast

The next day we headed off on the ridiculously winding road to the Amalfi Coast and Positano. If any of you have seen Under the Tuscan Sun, the beach at Positano is where Francis and Marcello enjoy a lovely stroll and find a kitten hanging out. The movie is gorgeous but being there in real life was amazing!
Oh, the quiet contemplation

Lyle and Laurie hanging out

Guess what feet belong to who!


Muscle man Randy Savage!



Can you spot the secret cave?

Titties! GIANT JUGS, those are some big lemons!

It looks like she's superimposed but we were actually there!

Picture taken on the go!

When you live on cliffs you still have to find a way to build a cemetery
After our amazing day in Positano, we took the next day to relax and check out the town of Sorrento

What are you looking at?

This used to be a old wash house down in a ravine

GQ model anyone?

The view from the top of our hotel in Sorrento

After staying in Sorrento for a few days, we moved back up the coast toward Rome but we made a stop over in Pompeii first.


I hope Vesuvius doesn't blow again!
The ruins on Palantine Hill

Laurie hanging out by the Colosseum

Underneath the floor of the Colosseum. The floor was actually made of wood and hasn't survived so you can see the labrynth of passage ways underneath that were used to cage animals, humans, and set pieces that we waiting to be brought into the arena.

Palatine Hill through an arch in the Colosseum

BONUS VIDEO: On the beach in Positano



>> Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sorry for the wait everyone... I've been taking some time to enjoy my last couple of weeks in Paris but I thought I would give you some of the pics from our adventures in Italia! I'm still not sure how dad manage to rally car his way through the whole country without getting a single dint on our little Fiat named Marcello! Honestly, he's a magician!

Marcello and I kickin' it!
We spent a lot of time following farmers in their tiny trucks!
A little mountain town where we stayed called Porretta Terme

The view from our balcony

Lyle and Laurie hanging outThe first time Nat had a chance to see actual mountains!
BONUS VIDEO: Some random cliff in the middle of nowhere... I'm sure the mafia dumps dead body there but I decided that a dance was in order... It's what I do!

After staying overnight in a bit of a creepy 'Shining-esque' Hotel Roma, we took a side trip over to Pisa. Sidenote: The Leaning Tower... it does exist, weird I know... and it really does lean!
  • It actually took over 177 years to complete
  • It began leaning almost immediately after the 3rd stage of construction began
  • It is slanted 3.9 m from vertical
  • Basically, the soil it was built on was like a dry alkali bed!

This is not an optical illusion

Really Natalie...

...That's what I thought!

Baxter had to get in on the photo op

After an afternoon in Pisa we headed out on the open road toward Tuscany. We soon found out that knowing how to get there on a map and having ridicuously confusing signs and road construction can lead you into the center of the narrow streets of Florence and into a 6 lane road about where your life flashes before your eyes! By some sort of magical miracle we escaped unharmed using the technique of following a giant city bus and by using the sun to figure out which way we were going we managed to escape into the even more confusing labrynth of roads in the tuscany countryside! I swear I saw the frickin' Minotaur, but we finally made it to the Villa Veronica and had a nice night with an amazingly surreal view out our balcony! Tuscany was so much more than we could have imagined, so relaxing and laid back. It was really one of the places Nat and I had always wanted to go and although I didn't fill my end of the bargain and become Asian and pregnant, we still had a chance to see those "creepy Italian trees!" and be Under the Tuscan Sun! Sidenote: If you haven't seen the movie, rent it now!

BONUS VIDEO: A morning in Tuscany... complete with sexy morning voices and hair!

STAY TUNED: more Italia... Naples, Vesuvius and the Amalfi Coast!

living in Paris

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