>> Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We started off the day to the lovely sounds of cobblestones being ripped from the earth just down from the apartment... don’t ask us how they got those big machines down our narrow little street but they did and it was tres fort!

We then took our derrières down to the Canadian Embassy and brushed elbows with the classy folk down by the Champs Elysees... but quickly felt out of place with the likes of Prada and Gucci and went on our way down the Seine toward the Tuilleries...after dodging the chaos that was Place de la Concorde we spent a relaxing afternoon in the gardens and toured around the outside of the Louvre before heading back up the hill.

View along the river toward Place du Canada

Boats along the Seine

In front of the Louvre

Nat hiding in the hedge maze outside the Louve

Where's Jacie hiding?

After hanging out on the steps of the Sacre Couer in the eve and being serenaded by the songs of John Lennon, we finally met up with the lovely Joeffrey. He showed us around and gave us the lowdown on all things Parisian all the while giggling at our horrible francais!

In front of the infamous Moulin Rouge

PS- Dad, we have found the words and we will get you your picture tomorrow, but in the meantime if you could fashion a stencil like apparatus to make our trees at home this round that would be great!


Auntie d. September 30, 2008 at 6:06 AM  

Great pictures! Keep them coming. I think this where's j/nat should be worth at least 100 points at the Louvre. The green neck thingy showed up on the super size blow up. Thanks for sharing

living in Paris

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