>> Sunday, October 19, 2008


The long awaited Cribs #3. Follow the link:



chauve pere fermier October 21, 2008 at 2:30 PM  

Morning ladies! Nice crib, looks cozy. Are we going to get the tour of the bath?
Have you had a deja-vu experience yet? Or perhaps had your picture taken with the clock of the "Sun" king? I have a fourth challenge should you chose to accept it. This one is near to Baxter's heart as it involves a famous French naturalist who founded the process of "Comparative anatomy" that help to advance palaeontology. I will need to know his full name ( all 6 )
1st clue - he is a Baron
2nd clue - He has 6 animals named in his honour. One is a giant sloth, bonus points if you can name the other 5. If you need further clues, let me know as I have a plethora available.
PS If you figure out who this is, there is a good probability that you and Nat and Baxter could find a Palaeontology and osteology display in Paris dedicated to him.

Jacie and Nat October 21, 2008 at 3:59 PM  

Well, well, well... I am happy to inform you that I'm back on track with your challenges. Although I believe that Aristotle was the official founder of comparative anatomy, the French naturalist Georges Cuvier was a very important figure in the advancement of the field. His full name was Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier. As for the animals named in his honour:
1. Cuvier's beaked whale
2. Cuvier's Gazelle
3. Cuvier's toucan
4. Cuvier's Bichir
5. Galeocerdo cuvieri(tiger shark)
6. Anolis cuvieri (a lizard)

and of course the extinct South American giant sloth Catonyx cuvieri.

As a side note:
We have actually walked past La Fontaine Cuvier in the 5th and wondered what it represented. So thanks for filling us in! We don't have a pic of it yet but the next time we walk by we will get one but for now I'll send you a link, it's a gorgeous one, minus the snake heads!


Auntie d. October 23, 2008 at 2:44 AM  

I had to check for a minute there I thought I was on Wikepedia. The wardrobe is fab - watch out for the fur coats towards the back. If you see any men with hooves and horns run out quickly!

living in Paris

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