>> Friday, October 3, 2008

Je suis desole... We didn't get a blog out to you folks yesterday but we'll make up for it today that is a promise.

After a relaxing Thursday resting our feet we were out on the dusty, or should I say rainy, trail today. We decided to take a little trip to see some of Baxter's kin... Was he ever excited when we stepped back in time in the Musee Paleontologique. We found some of his ancestors there and captured the reunion on film and photo!

Baxter was finally reunited with his Great great uncle Pierre Delacroix

The knee bones connected to the leg bone, the leg bones connected to.....

Natalie is a wee dwarf woman beside this Mastodon femur


It's the mythical underwater unicorn!.... from the future!

After our lovely afternoon in the museum we trucked through the rain to check out a bit of the Jardin de Plantes. It was still full of flowers and some of the trees were turning color and losing their nuts... don't worry, I didn't try any this time!

Natalie sheltering 'under the umbrella tree!'

Tree hugger

Me too!

BONUS VIDEO OF THE DAY: How'd they do that?


Cara October 4, 2008 at 1:32 AM  

Those skeletons are friggin' SWEET!

living in Paris

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