>> Monday, October 6, 2008

Well, ladies and gents. There's not much new to report on the French front today. Although we did catch a glimpse of the endangered species otherwise known as the one footed pigeon! Now, this is not something we are accustomed to in Canada but over here in Paris the pigeons lead an extraordinarily difficult life, fending for turf on the steps of the Sacre Couer or scavenging bread crumbs from high a top buildings. It is survival of the fittest and unfortunately this pigeon has been in one to many crumb fights and has become a casualty of the Great Pigeon Wars of 08'!

I also came across another endangered species who shows it's head only when a deliociously sweet treat known as Nutella is around. Please, if you see this beast, do not try to approach, contact your local animal control immediately and for God sake's don't leave your Nutella lying around!



Patz October 7, 2008 at 3:52 PM  

I had a nightmare last night featuring the unsettling image of the Nutella monster. Disturbing indeed!

living in Paris

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