>> Thursday, February 12, 2009

By now you all know that on occasion I like to sing a little diddy or two. I think that perhaps my love of le chanson may stem from songs I learned when I was a wee babe in Madame Thibeau's french class. So, I thought I would share some funny vids I found on youtube of a couple of my favs:

The first is called Je suis une pizza (and yes it does mean I am a pizza)
(Sidenote: it gets a little emotional at the end *single tear)

The next, I have often sang since we arrived here in Paris, it's called Petite Poisson
(Sidenote: I hate it when I forget the words too!)

In the spirit of funny kid related stuff, if you haven't seen these hilarious clips on youtube, consider yourself lucky that you can check it here:

This little girl makes geeks like me a little cooler with her description of Star Wars, plus she has fierce hair! (Sidenote: The shiny guy does always worry!)

These next ones are commercials for Trigon medical insurance and need no introduction:

This little girl drops some truth bombs!

This 2 year old puts my geography skills to shame!
(I didn't even know that Turkmenistan existed!)


living in Paris

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