>> Friday, February 6, 2009

Well, I can say now that I am one year closer to being a quarter of a century! It's pure craziness that I am the big 2-4 now and we of course had to celebrate it like only we know how... with cake, karaoke, and various assorted shenanigans!

Tuesday was the big day and it began in the late afternoon (cause we're lazy bums!), with a darn good cake that Nat snagged from the patisserie down the way. Can I just say it was completely edible and you know we demolished it all!

BONUS VIDEO: All edible?

This is me pretending to blow out the candles for the token birthday cake shot!

Of course, we had to make a toast to the occasion and we had been saving a special bottle for just such an event, that had been aged to perfection! (Sidenote: check out my blazer, I've apparently become mature enough now to own one or as Nat says I could be the ringmaster of a circus... I like option 2!)

BONUS VIDEO: A toast to the power of 24!

After toasting the evening we headed out for dinner with Morgen, Joe, and Jon at an Ethiopian restaurant called Entoto. For anyone who doesn't know much about African cuisine you eat everything with your hands. It usually comes in a large pain covered a special flatbread that has different kinds of spicy stews that you eat by picking them up with pieces of the bread. We also enjoyed some taj, which is a honey wine that is apparently similiar to mead. It was amazing and we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly!

When supper was finito we headed off to a karaoke joint so Nat could belt it out, but not before we ran into a couple of funny places along the way!

I love me some impromptu dancing in the streets!

This is a giant vending machine from the future that is ALWAYS open... you never know when you might need some flour or granola bars!

This is where I am sending Nat when I get sick of her!

Finally we made it to the joint and thus began the mayhem!

Subtitles: Me "Yeah it's my birthday!", Eva "No pictures!", Finn "I have a secret!"

Linda and Nat keepin' it real with some Tom Jones... She is a lady!
BONUS VIDEO: Linda/Sporty, Nat/Scary, Eva/Baby, Finn/Posh representing the Spice Girls!

BONUS VIDEO: Laura and Nat get emotional over Meatloaf!

After we had our fill of all that is singing, we headed down the O'Sull's to visit with everyone who had the misfortune of working on my big day! As one of my birthday wishes, we decided that we were only allowed to do glamour shots the whole night!

Work it ladies!
Still lookin good bros!
Allen and Richard will not be out classed!
You know it... FIERCE!
Even Mikey Mike aka Bobby B showed us what he's got... Dave is impressed!

After about 4am hit, it really just became crazy... and by that I mean crazy ridiculous... and by that I mean pure GGGOOOOLLLLDDDD!

Bobby B takes a stellar blackmail photo!
Who's leg is that?
After we closed up shop at O'Sullivans and waited for the metro to open back up we finally arrived safe and sound in the wee hours of the morn at around 7 bells and Nat gave me a final birthday wish and posed with her 'mom' hair!... Tho thexty!


living in Paris

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