>> Monday, December 29, 2008

Well, I can't believe Christmas has come and gone so quickly! I hope that you all had a wonderful time filled with fun and FOOD! We have finally awoken from our Christmas hangover that was filled with dinner parties and late night shenanigans! Here is tale of two crazy ladies and their Christmas in Paris!

We decided on Christmas Eve to throw a little shindig in our wee apartment for a few of the folks that Nat works with at O'Sullivans. It was quite the international soiree with people from Australia, Spain, Mexico, Holland, Estonia, and off course us Canadian cats! We had a lovely evening filled with copious amounts of cheese, and wine, and even got our hands on some good ole fashion Christmas crackers!

Baxter's ready to PARTAY!

The international meeting of the UN!

Christmas cracker delight!

Crowns+ wine= good times!

A little too good of a time! She got real sleepy at about 4AM, it had absolutely nothing to do with wine! wink*
So, after staying up to the wee hours of the morn to wait for the metro to open back up, we finally got a couple hours of zzzz's before waking up and heading over to Laura and Companies Australian abode. There we dined on lasagna, salad, sweet potatoes, and of course wine and brownies that Lana made with her "dirty" hands! It was quite the feast, so we came home and put our fat pants on and had a relaxing evening of movie watching and opening pressies!

Christelle, Nat, Laura, and moi!

BONUS VIDEO: Opening des cadeaux de Noel!

The meeting of Baxter and Pierre!

After recovering for a couple of days we were invited to a party at Diana and Eric's flat. We had an excellent time and Eddie brought over some authentic Italian pizza that we thoroughly enjoyed!

On the way over we ran into some giant balls! Nothing spells Christmas more than oversized magenta globes!

BONUS VIDEO: We had a jolly good time in the elevator up to the party!


living in Paris

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